Robert W. Clark


After receiving a BS in Civil Engineering from Case Institute of Technology in 1966, Bob Clark served as an officer in a Navy "Seabee" battalion during the Vietnam War. Upon his honorable discharge from the Navy, he earned his masters in Civil Engineering from Stanford. After graduating, he enrolled in the Peace Corps and served a two-year term of service in Kenya overseeing water development projects throughout the country. Upon returning to the Cleveland Area in 1972, Bob was hired by a mid-sized commercial/institutional general contractor and quickly became the EVP and senior project manager. In 1981, he left that company to found the R. W. Clark Co. His passion for history and the built environment led the company to specialize in all manners of historic restoration.

Andrew Clark


Andrew Clark grew up on R. W. Clark job sites. After graduating college, he came to work for the company and has held every position at the company, including shop laborer, laborer, superintendent, project manager, VP of Operations, and now, President.